Senior CEQA Project Manager (Closed)
Program: Los Angeles Unified School District – Office of Environmental Health and Safety
Salary Range: $120.2K to $141.4K annual base salary plus benefits
Positions Open: One (1)
- Prepares RFPs, including establishing project schedule and scope of services required, evaluates proposals, selects a firm and awards contract
- Provides senior review of work conducted by CEQA Master Services Agreement (MSA) contractors in the areas of:
- Notices of Exemption
- Initial Studies
- Negative Declarations / Mitigated Negative Declarations
- Environmental Impact Reports
- Risk Assessments of adjacent structures as identified by the California Department of
- Education such as pipelines, railroads, airports, freeways etc. during the assessment of new school sites or improvements to existing school sites
- Provides technical advice to OEHS Management in terms of oversight of CEQA MSA contractors as well as contractor budget and schedule control, as well as strategic advice on the CEQA approach for projects
- Provides senior review of LAUSD Board Reports, briefings and presentations
- Presents at community meetings pertaining to the CEQA process and participates in LAUSD FSD community meetings where the audience may raise CEQA issues
- Prepares and provides internal training sessions on the District’s CEQA process
- Represents the District in various agency interactions (SCAQMD, LAFD, LADOT, etc.)
- Mentors junior level CEQA staff
Ten (10) years full time paid professional experience managing the preparation of environmental planning documents
Graduation from a recognized college or university with a bachelor’s degree CEQA regulations; other federal, state and local environmental regulations; California Department of Education (CDE) – required environmental studies and checklists
A degree in Environmental Engineering, Environmental Planning or Environmental Science or any related field.
Deadline to submit resume:
Wednesday August 11, 2021 @ 12:00pm noon (no late submissions accepted)
Please email cover letter, resume, and salary requirements:
Subject line: LAUSD Senior CEQA Project Manager
Approximate Processing Time:
SHORTLIST: Within 1 week after resume submission deadline August 11, 2021
INTERVIEW: Within 2 weeks after resume submission deadline August 11, 2021
SELECTION NOTIFICATION: Within 3 weeks after resume submission deadline August 11, 2021
Recruitment# CM-SCEQAPM-0721-14
To apply for this job email your details to