
    Light Rail Projects

  • Station and Track Alignment Professional Staffing
  • Grassroot Community Briefings and key Stakeholder Involvement
  • Station Area Design and Transit Oriented Development
  • Environmental Consulting
  • Energy Efficiency Solutions


    Highways Projects
    Experience in design, project engineering, project management, and construction management of roads and streets, highways, freeways, and highway and railroad bridges. Perform value analysis/value engineering, project reports and environmental document, final design, quality control/quality assurance, FHWA and other federal agencies compliance review, (PS&E), construction engineering, inspection, constructability reviews, and peer reviews. Perform construction inspection of highways, bridges, retaining walls, soundwalls, drainage structures, AC and PCC paving, earthwork and grading, traffic control devices, stage construction, pavement delineation, SWPPP/WPCP, shoring and trenching, falsework, temporary detour, change orders, claims, scheduling, negotiations, partnering, arbitration, and claims resolution.